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Huntsville Highway Surfacing & Paving Contractors - Pavers - Paving Companies

Local Businesses: 15

Ace Paving And Concrete

2211 Mastin Lake Road Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35810-2803
(256) 585-3604
Steve Mitchell (Owner)
Services: Construction Services, Paving & Repaving, Installations
Categories: Concrete Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Asphalt Sealcoaters

435b Blake Bottom Road Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35806-1407
(256) 852-8282
Doris Hawkins (President)
Products: Driveways, Seal Coat
Services: Driveways, Lots, Repair, Seal Coating, Sealing, Coating, Drives, Parking Areas
Categories: Asphalt & Asphalt Products, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Evangel Office Plaza

4410 Evangel Circle Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35816-2750
(256) 837-6850
Services: Construction Services, Paving & Repaving, Installations
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Excavation Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Hawkins Asphalt

435b Blake Bottom Road Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35806-1407
(256) 852-8282
Services: Asphalt Paving, Sealcoating, Driveway Repair, Parking Lots, Handicap Upgrades,…
Categories: Asphalt Sealers, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway, Sealants Retail

Karen Mobile Home Park

1807 Lydia Drive Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35816-1435
(256) 837-6850
Stanley Thornton (Owner)
Services: Construction Services, Paving & Repaving, Installations
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Excavation Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

M & M Paving And Concrete

Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 924-4782 +view more
Products: Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios
Services: Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Asphalt Paving, Seal Coating, Parking…
Categories: Concrete Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Reed Contracting Services Concrete Plant

187 Nick Fitcheard Road Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35806-3901
(256) 859-2203
Services: Providing Ready-Mix Concrete For Commercial And Residential Needs, Central…
Categories: Excavation Contractors, Asphalt & Asphalt Products, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway, Ready Mix Concrete, Ready Mix Concrete Producers, Concrete & Cement

Reed Contracting Services Inc - Main Office - Huntsville

2512 Triana Boulevard Southwest
Huntsville, AL 35805-4048
(256) 355-3994
Products: Commercial, Industrial, Ready-Mix Concrete
Services: Municipal, All Types Of Paving, Asphalt Materials, Grading, Excavating, Site…
Categories: Utilities Contractors, Excavation Contractors, Highway & Street Construction Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway, Utility Installation Contractors, Road Construction

Reed Contracting Services Inc - Main Office

2512 Triana Boulevard Southwest
Huntsville, AL 35805-4048
(256) 533-0505
Products: Commercial, Ready Mix Concrete, Industrial
Services: Commercial, Municipal, Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Materials, Ready Mix Concrete,…
Categories: Excavation Contractors, Grading Contractors, Asphalt & Asphalt Products, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Reed Contracting Services Inc - Concrete Central Dispatch

Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 859-2203
Products: Commercial, Industrial
Services: Providing Ready-Mix Concrete For Your Commercial And Residential Needs, Central…
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Asphalt Sealers, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway, Ready Mix Concrete, Ready Mix Concrete Producers, Concrete & Cement

Reed Contracting Services Operations

187 Nick Fitcheard Road Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35806-3901
(256) 859-3211
Categories: Asphalt Sealers, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Southern Sealing Services Inc

4323 Spartacus Drive Southwest
Huntsville, AL 35805-5591
(256) 881-8337
Joe Walker (Owner)
Products: Residential & Commercial, Driveways, Black Top
Services: Sealing & Striping, Parking Lots, Roadways, Handicap Parking, Thermoplastic,…
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Asphalt & Asphalt Products, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Stanley Thornton

1807 Lydia Drive Northwest
Huntsville, AL 35816-1435
(256) 837-6850
Thornton Stanley
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Excavation Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Stanley's Construction Co Inc

4410 Evangel Circle Northwest Suite A
Huntsville, AL 35816-2751
(256) 837-6850 +view more
Thorton Stanley (President)
Products: Streets, Sidewalks
Services: Excavating And Storm Sewer
Categories: Builders & Contractors, Excavation Contractors, Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway

Y & S Paving Inc.

Huntsville, AL 35801
(256) 837-5428
Products: Overlays, No Job Too Small, Commercial & Residential
Services: Grading, Overlays, Driveway Repair & Replacement, Parking Lots, Asphalt Sealing…
Categories: Paving Contractors - Driveway, Road, Walkway
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